The Ultimate Guide to Reducing Lead in Your Home Drinking Water


Are you concerned about the presence of lead in your drinking water? If so, it is important to know that exposure to this dangerous substance can be detrimental to your health. Fortunately, taking steps to minimize lead levels in your water supply can significantly decrease your risk of harm. It’s worth noting that most lead contamination in household water comes from the plumbing system rather than the local water source. Learn about the knowledge of lead in drinking water and how to remove it.

How Does Lead Find Its Way Into Drinking Water?

How does lead get into drinking water? One significant contributor to lead in drinking water is the corrosion of outdated water pipes and natural deposits from the process of erosion. Lead can also infiltrate drinking water through solder, faucets, and other fittings. All of them release substantial quantities of lead in the water, particularly in hot water. The amount of lead in drinking water varies based on several factors:

  • The acidity and alkalinity of the water
  • The types and amounts of minerals in the water
  • The temperature of the water
  • The duration of the water stored in the pipes
  • The presence of protective scales or coatings inside the plumbing materials


Consequence of Lead Poisoning

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, lead poisoning can have detrimental effects on human health, even in small amounts that build up over time. Children and pregnant women are more vulnerable to its harmful effects.


Even low levels of lead in children can cause:

  • Slow growth
  • Hearing problems
  • Lower IQ and hyperactivity
  • Behavioral and learning problems
  • Anemia

In some infrequent instances, the consumption of lead can result in seizures, comas, and even fatalities.

Pregnant Women

Lead can build up in our bodies over time, where it is stored alongside calcium in our bones. During pregnancy, lead is released from bones as maternal calcium to support the development of the fetus’s bones. Then lead can cross the placental barrier, subjecting the fetus to lead. Both the mother and her unborn baby can suffer the detrimental consequences of lead, including:

  • Reduced fetal growth
  • Premature birth


Adults exposed to lead can suffer from:

  • Cardiovascular issues, such as higher blood pressure and hypertension occurrences
  • Decreased kidney function
  • Reproductive problems in both men and women

How to Remove Lead from Drinking Water

  • Flush your home's pipes before drinking. If water has been stagnant in the pipes for an extended period, it may contain harmful levels of lead. Before using water for cooking or drinking, run the water for at least 30 seconds or until it is cold to the touch or reaches a steady temperature. This process helps flush out any lead-containing water in your fixtures.
  • Use cold tap water for cooking, drinking, or making a baby’s formula. Do not use hot water for cooking or drinking because lead can easily dissolve in hot water, particularly when preparing baby formula. Let the cold water run until it reaches its coldest temperature before using it.
  • Do not boil water to remove lead. Boiling water will not eliminate lead contamination. It is crucial to keep an eye on the places you may find lead in your home or nearby areas, such as paint, soil, dust, and some pottery.
  • Replace your plumbing fixtures if they are discovered to contain lead. Brass faucets, pipes, valves, and fittings used in plumbing systems could potentially transfer lead into your drinking water. Take time to scrutinize your fixtures to see if they are lead-free or not. Read the labels carefully.
  • Frequently replace or sanitize the aerator on your faucet. Remove any unattached lead solder or debris. To ensure cleanliness, it is recommended to remove the aerator from every faucet in your residence every few months and flush the pipes for three to five minutes.
  • Use a refrigerator water filter certified to eliminate lead. If your home utilizes a lead service line and has any plumbing fixtures containing lead, it is recommended to invest in a fridge water filter from Filter1Pro. Our filters are high-quality and compatible with a variety of fridge models.
  • Get in touch with your water system. Obtain information about lead sources and service lines that can eliminate lead from your water system.