Is Refrigerator Filtered Water Safe for a Pregnant Woman To Drink?


There are many safety issues to think about while you're pregnant, one of which is whether it's okay to drink cold water. Many expecting moms may be concerned that drinking cold water could cause their child to develop pneumonia or asthma. But these worries are unfounded. There are some guidelines to remember when drinking water to support your baby's healthy growth.


Is It Safe to Drink Cold Water From a Refrigerator When You Are Pregnant?


Pregnancy is often surrounded by many taboos and myths, which can be confusing and limiting for mothers-to-be. Some of these beliefs are unfounded and not based on science, such as the idea that pregnant women should not drink cold water. In fact, drinking cold drinks during pregnancy is generally safe and will not cause any harm to the growing baby. Once the food or drink reaches the stomach and intestines, its temperature changes to body temperature, so it is safe to consume cold drinks.


It is worth noting that if a pregnant woman has a cold, it is reasonable to avoid cold drinks from refrigerator water dispensers in favour of warm liquids. However, if you feel hot and sweaty during pregnancy, it is perfectly safe to drink cold water or even ice to keep cool. A pregnant woman's basal body temperature is naturally higher than normal for a few months, so drinking cold drinks can actually help regulate your body temperature and relieve the heat.


Overall, it's important to approach pregnancy with an open mind and avoid being swayed by unfounded myths and taboos. As long as you do it in moderation and listen to your body's needs, drinking cold water during pregnancy is perfectly safe and will not cause your baby to be born with asthma or pneumonia.


Because the uterus is close to the digestive tract and the cold water stimulates the baby, drinking cold water during pregnancy may cause the baby to move around. If you're worried about your baby's movements, doctors may advise you to drink cold water and check for movement.


What Should You Pay Close Attention To?


Recommended Water Intake Per Day

However, it is important to watch your fluid intake during pregnancy, as pregnant women need to drink more fluids to compensate for the increased blood volume and fluids around the baby. It is recommended that pregnant women drink an extra 1-2 glasses of water a day, for a total of about 8-10 glasses.


Common Water Toxins to Be Aware of During Pregnancy


Lead: Exposure to lead during pregnancy can lead to reduced cognitive function, a lower IQ, and increased attention-related behavioral problems in babies. Lead can leach into tap water when brought to your neighborhood or when lead pipes in your home corrode.


Nitrates and nitrites: They are other toxins in the tap water to watch out for, especially in rural areas where groundwater supplies may contain high levels of nitrates from sewage and fertilizer run-off. Nitrites will reduce the amount of oxygen in the blood, which can be a problem for infants and young children. In addition, high levels of nitrates and nitrites have also been linked to thyroid dysfunction in pregnant women, which can lead to pregnancy complications, lower IQ scores, and other neurodevelopmental effects on children.


Industrial chemicals: These harmful chemicals that run off from factories and manufacturing plants and permeate into water sources are also associated with an increased risk of miscarriage and other pregnancy complications.


Investing in a qualified fridge water purifier can protect you from harmful water toxins. Filter1pro offers refrigerator water filters made from high-grade carbon blocks that reduce numerous contaminants such as lead, mercury, chlorine, pollutants, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, and cysts. Discover the right model for your current fridge with a Filter1pro water filter.


What Should You Really Avoid While Pregnant?


To ensure a healthy pregnancy, mothers-to-be must stay away from carbonated or fizzy drinks. Not only do carbonated soft drinks contain caffeine, which has been linked to large doses of miscarriage, but they also contain large amounts of empty calories. Studies have shown that consuming sugary drinks during pregnancy, especially those artificially sweetened, may increase the risk of developing asthma in mid-childhood.


To quench your thirst on a hot day, opt for cold milk and dairy products as they provide a rich source of calcium, which is necessary to build a baby's bones and teeth. Avoid soda and other beverages and maintain a high intake of water and milk.




Whether hot or cold, water is the best choice of drink for pregnant women. It is recommended to drink 8-10 glasses of water a day, while avoiding carbonated soft drinks. It is also important to buy a premium refrigerator water filter every six months to remove harmful toxins from the water.