Is Drinking 8 Glasses of Water Each Day Necessary?
Is Drinking 8 Glasses of Water Each Day Necessary?
It is a fact that the human body consists of around 60% water. You naturally lose water through urination, sweating, breathing, and other activities. To keep hydrated and avoid dehydration, the 8×8 rule suggests drinking eight 8-ounce glasses of water every day. While this theory is widely accepted, research has shown that the ideal amount of water one should drink per day can vary depending on factors like activity level and age. To ensure you remain appropriately hydrated, it's best to consult your doctor to determine how much water you need daily.
Uncovering the 8x8 Rule's Origins
Consuming 1 ml of water per calorie of food consumed was first proposed by Heinz Valtin in 1945. The recommendation stated that an individual following a diet of 2,000 calories per day should consume 2,000 ml of water, or 8-oz glasses, to ensure their body is receiving an adequate amount of hydration. This has since become known as the 8x8 rule, a measure of the body's daily hydration needs.
To ascertain the veracity of this theory, research is needed. Moreover, people tend to overlook the fact that they obtain a considerable amount of water from their food. Thus, it is likely that any previous interpretation of the theory was inaccurate.
Check out this list of the top 10 water-rich foods that can help keep you hydrated throughout the day, even when you don't feel like drinking water.

Top 10: 91%: strawberries
Top 6–Top 9: Cabbage, Watermelon, Broth Soups, Cauliflower
Top 4–Top 5: Tomatoes, Zucchini
Top2-Top3: Cucumber, Celery
Top1: 96%: Lettuce
To maintain optimal hydration, it is important to consume an adequate amount of water each day. Foods can contain some water; however, they also contain calories. Therefore, if weight loss is your goal, drinking more water and fewer calorie-rich beverages is advised.
What Is the Recommended Amount of Water to Drink per Day?
Everyone's water needs are different, so there's no one-size-fits-all answer to how much you should drink each day. To determine what's right for you, experiment and find out what works best. Some people may need more water than usual to stay at their peak performance, while others may find that drinking more just results in more trips to the restroom.

Staying hydrated is essential for your health, and there are some practical steps you can take to ensure it. Whenever you start to feel thirsty or experience dry mouth or bad breath, reach for a full glass of water. Check your urine color periodically and aim for a light yellow shade, like lemonade, as an indicator that you're well hydrated. In high heat and during physical activity, be sure to drink enough to replace the lost fluids. Even on cold days, make it a point to keep up your water intake, and don't forget to stop drinking when you're no longer thirsty. Disregard the 8x8 rule and focus instead on drinking enough water daily. Filter1Pro has a variety of refrigerator water filters for you to choose from.