How Do You Know When to Change the Water Filters in Your Refrigerator?


If you don't replace your refrigerator's water filters after a long period of use, they may become clogged with dirt. In addition, if the water filter is not performing adequately, more contaminants can enter your fridge's ice maker. Neglecting to change your fridge's water filter regularly will ultimately result in an unsatisfactory taste of both ice and water.

What Is Lurking in Unfiltered or Less-Effectively Filtered Water in the Home?

A wide selection of home test kits for water are available and very user-friendly. These kits help you check the contents of your water, whether it is unfiltered or less effectively filtered. The results can be surprising: high levels of bacteria, chlorine, lead, or other chemicals, or an unbalanced pH level.

What Signs Suggest That Your Refrigerator Water Filter Needs Changing?

If you happen to lack a water test unit, you can still be aware of the appropriate time to change your refrigerator water filter by noting the following signs:

Reduced water flow: You can observe either a complete lack of water or a slow flow of water from the dispenser. When you try to drain the water, but only get a small trickle. This means that the water has stopped and cannot enter the dispenser nozzle from the tap. Further, the ice maker may have stopped making ice or may have only produced one contaminated ice cube.

Unpleasant tastes or smells: To confirm whether your fridge water purifier needs replacing, rely on your sense of taste and smell to determine if there are any unpleasant smells or unpleasant odors. When newly installed, any chlorine odor or taste should disappear. But as your filter ages over a few months, previously removed contaminants may reappear. Once you notice these, regardless of whether it's been three, six, or nine months, it's time to replace the filter.

Indicator light turns on: The water filter cartridge on the dispenser of numerous modern refrigerators comes with a "change filter indicator" which serves as a status indicator. It works according to a predetermined schedule rather than relying on sensors to measure the capacity of the filter. This feature gives you valuable insight into when the filter needs to be changed.

Refrigerator manufacturers and most experts recommend that the water filter in your refrigerator should be changed at least every six months.

Typically, a reliable refrigerator water purifier is capable of filtering between 240 and 500 gallons of water. However, it can be challenging to determine when the filter has reached its maximum capacity without a device to monitor how much water is moving through your refrigerator water filter. Factors such as usage and flow rate can cause significant variations, making the six-month interval an average but unreliable estimate. Assuming normal usage, it is recommended to change the filter every six months to avoid the cost of replacing it too early and without wasting its filtration potential. If you are unsure about when to replace the water filter in your refrigerator, refer to some indicators that indicate the need for a replacement mentioned above.

Replacing the water filter in your refrigerator is generally a straightforward task in the majority of cases.

Several manufacturers have ensured that their refrigerator filters can be easily accessed and changed. The procedure for removal varies, with some requiring a quarter turn and gentle pulling, while others feature a large button located next to the filter that can be simply pushed to release the filter. However, it should be noted that each manufacturer may have a different water filtration system in their fridges. Customers who have purchased Filter1pro filters are advised to refer to the package instructions for safe and proper filter replacement or contact our customer service team at [email protected] for assistance.

Affordable Prices

At Filter1pro, replacing your refrigerator water filters won't break the bank. For just about $39.99, you can easily swap out your filter twice a year. Additionally, the popular Whirlpool Filter 1 and Filter 3 are economically priced at $59.99 for a 3-pack. Don't wait; click to purchase now.

Using two water filters per year enables a refrigerator to purify approximately 3,000 water bottles. This suggests that you could save more than $600 per year by avoiding the consumption of bottled water and help protect the environment by managing the waste generated from plastic bottles that would otherwise accumulate in landfill sites.