Best Drinking Water Tips | How to Properly Hydrate Before, During, and After Exercise


Approximately 66% of your body is composed of water, and during physical activity, you can lose a substantial amount of it. The study from the American College of Sports Medicine suggests that drinking water can facilitate the function of body tissues and joints, the distribution of nutrients, and the regulation of body temperature. Despite this, most people fail to consume sufficient water while exercising, resulting in a loss of water through sweat to cool the body. It is especially critical to maintain adequate fluid balance by drinking enough water when you are exercising. To accomplish this, you should hydrate properly before, during, and after your workout. Here's how to do it correctly.


How Much Water Should I Drink a Day and When Should I Hydrate Effectively?


To maintain proper hydration levels, it is recommended to drink six to eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day. Although some water can be obtained from food, it is important to increase this amount when engaging in physical activity to prevent dehydration. Do not rely on thirst as a reminder to drink water, as thirst is a sign of dehydration. However, do not drink too much water either. Drinking an excessive amount of fluids can cause low sodium levels in the body, a condition known as water intoxication or hyponatremia, which can result in symptoms such as headaches, confusion, seizures, vomiting, and even death. Proper hydration is crucial for optimal athletic performance and overall health, and it is essential to learn how to consume enough fluids before, during, and after exercising.


How to Hydrate Before Exercise


Before starting any exercise, such as walking, cycling, running, or other outdoor activities, it is advisable to drink approximately 2 glasses of fluid at least 2 hours before the workout. This allows sufficient time for the kidneys to process liquids and ensures that you have enough time to clear up your bladder before the workout.


How to Hydrate During Exercise


During your workout, it is recommended that you drink 4 to 6 ounces of fluid every 15 to 20 minutes to maintain proper hydration levels in your muscles. If you are planning to engage in an hour-long walk or intense gym activity, it is best to prepare a water bottle with about 16 ounces for drinking.


How to Hydrate After Exercise


After your workout, it is crucial to continue drinking fluids even if you no longer feel thirsty. To determine how much fluid you need to drink, you can weigh yourself before and after your workout. For every pound of water weight lost, it is necessary to drink 20 ounces of fluid. By following these hydration guidelines before, during, and after your workout, you can ensure optimal hydration levels and improve your athletic performance and overall health.


Which Type of Water Can You Drink?


When deciding on the optimal fluid for your workout, plain water is usually the preferred option. It is calorie-free, readily available, and less expensive than any other chilled beverages. Therefore, if you find plain water palatable, it is the best choice for you. However, if you engage in more intense exercise lasting more than 3 hours, chocolate milk is a good recommendation because it not only replenishes sodium and calcium lost through sweat but also provides carbohydrates and protein for energy and recovery. If plain water or chocolate milk is not to your liking, sports drinks, coconut water, or other beverages are also acceptable. You do not have to be too concerned about electrolytes, as they can be obtained from food.


What Is the Function of a Refrigerator Water Filter?


The significance of refrigerator water filters cannot be understated. As previously mentioned, when it comes to hydrating during workouts, plain water should be your top choice. Using fridge water filters can help you achieve this by providing you with healthy drinking water and refreshing chilled beverages. For fitness enthusiasts, it is wise to invest in a water filter for home use. This fridge filter not only ensures that you have access to healthy and freshly chilled water, but also eliminates the need to rush to the store to purchase bottled water while exercising. In the long run, opting for portable water filters and maintaining such a filtration system is more cost-effective than relying on bottled water.


Filter1pro offers a wide range of refrigerator water filters that are designed to fit most brands and popular filter models. These fridge filters have been proven to effectively produce fresher, clearer, and healthier water while also removing harmful chemicals, contaminants, sediments, chlorine, and other impurities. Discover the appropriate model for your specific refrigerator by checking out Filter1pro Refrigerator Filters.


Best Water to Drink for Health


Drinking plain water is an excellent choice for individuals who engage in workouts, and it is crucial to remain hydrated before, during, and after exercising. To enhance your performance during workouts, consider investing in a refrigerator filter.